Programs & Projects

Our work focuses on expanding education, empowering youth, and strengthening families.


empowering youth

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supporting education

BULA works to support education by focusing on expanding access to education and by providing continuous support to those supported through BULA”s programs.

  • Educational Fund

  • University Scholarship Program

  • High School Scholarship


Family strengthening

After years of working closely with orphanages and children’s home, BULA has shifted its efforts towards strengthening families rather than supporting institutions. The evidence is clear that children belong in families, not orphanages and that these institutions often harm the emotional and physical well being of children across the world. BULA’s own work has involved reuniting children with their families through ‘Home at Last’, a program that has first reunited young people with family after living for years in an orphanage and then providing ongoing social work and educational support to ensure their success through this transition.

BULA also works closely with NGOs whose work focuses on strengthening families and advocates for a shift in focus from institutionally-based support to family-based support of children and young people in Uganda.